Jordan Bates

Coach Jordan Bates

Coach Jordan Bates

Coaching Experience: I started coaching in the fall of 2015 as a volunteer assistant coach at Frankfort High School. I instantly loved it and couldn’t get enough. Fortunately, I ran into Jen Wright not long after and she introduced me to Travis Baker the director of NorthShore and began my Northshore coaching that winter! I coach 13-1 and 14-1 travel teams, I run the Beach Program, Future Coaches program, the Food and Clothing Drive, and I coach and run the Developmental program. 

High School: Frankfort High School & The Leelanau School

College: University of Michigan, Bachelor of General Studies.

Why I coach/coaching philosophy: I started playing volleyball on the beaches of Frankfort when I was 15. I love the game and, it turns out, I really enjoy passing on the love of the game to others. My coaching philosophy is to create fun and challenging opportunities for athletes.